Thursday, April 3, 2014

Rubber bands

Ok, I have to admit that I didn't realize what a craze making rubber band creations on a loom would be. My kids spend hours finding new projects online and making them. I wish I would have thought of making a rubber band loom, but I am glad we have one for our kids. Sophie actually got a rubber band loom for christmas and was kind of (how should I say this)…unimpressed. I showed her what to do and as soon as we had made a basic bracelet she was happy as a clam. I wouldn't recommend this product for little kids because the small rubber bands could be a potential choking hazard and requires some patience. I have noticed some people online ranting about how the rubber bands break and that the projects never turn out. I have something to say about this….as long as you stay calm and keep on looming your band project will work out. My kids like the youtube videos that teach you as you go. I have to say that they are usually really good about explaining how to make things in simple terms.

Here is what the loom looks like. You can buy it at any craft store, online, or any major retail store. I actually bought this one on amazon. Most kits include the loom, hook, rubber bands, with c clips or s clips that hook your bands together. When you run out of rubber bands there are tons of different colors and packages at all the stores mentioned above. 

Sophie made a simple chain necklace. She plans on putting some charms on it. 

These are sunburst bracelets. the pastel colored one is made with glow in the dark rubber bands.  A tutorial for this is on youtube. 

My son made a snake and hooked it onto his backpack for school. His friends all want him to make them one.

Those are just some of the projects that my kids have done. I'm impressed that they like it so much (including my son). I would highly recommend buying one for your child if you don't already have one.

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